Celebrating 50 Years of God's Grace
Celebrating 50 Years of God's Grace
February 01, 2023 by Office of Marketing and Communication About WLC
WLC Marks Its 50th Anniversary
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN – On January 31, 2023, Wisconsin Lutheran College (WLC) turned 50 years old, celebrating this milestone anniversary with a special chapel service in the Schwan Concert Hall led by Campus Pastor Rev. Nathan Wordell and WELS Southeastern Wisconsin District President Rev. Daniel Leyrer. Student musicians and alumnus Kevin Becker ’06 provided the accompaniment.
On January 31, 1973, Rev. Arnold H. Schroeder addressed WLC’s founders with a devotion based on Psalm 127. That same Psalm formed the basis for the anniversary chapel service.

After chapel, the college held a public proclamation ceremony in the Schwan Concert Hall. Special thanks to the event’s speakers for their support of the college and their participation in our celebration (pictured above with President Johnson and Provost Kolander): WAICU President Dr. Eric Fulcomer, Wauwatosa Mayor Dennis McBride, Regional Director Orlando Owens from U.S. Senator Ron Johnson's office, and State Senator Rob Hutton. WLC’s Provost, Dr. John D. Kolander, read proclamations from the State of Wisconsin and the Milwaukee Common Council.
A Citation of Commendation from the State of Wisconsin stated: “State Senator LaTonya Johnson, State Senator Tim Carpenter, State Representative Evan Goyke, and State Representative Daniel Riemer, on behalf of the State of Wisconsin, hereby honor and congratulate Wisconsin Lutheran College on 50 years of excellence and thank the college for its service to our community.”
A Proclamation from the City of Milwaukee said: “The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee herewith congratulates Wisconsin Lutheran College on the occasion of its 50th anniversary, thanks the college for its valuable contributions and service, and wishes it continued success and excellence.”
“When I see our graduates out there making a difference, those are those moments when I want to say to our founders, ‘We’ve made it.’ And God willing, we’re going to continue our mission for the next 50 years and beyond, continue to boldly and courageously prepare our students for lives of Christian leadership.” – Dr. Daniel W. Johnson, President, Wisconsin Lutheran College
About Wisconsin Lutheran College
Founded in 1973, Wisconsin Lutheran College is an independent, residential, nationally ranked Christian college in Milwaukee that serves undergraduate and graduate students through its on-campus and online programming. The college, which prepares students for lives of Christian leadership, is recognized for its academic excellence and superior student experience. Caring, Christian faculty work directly with students, who benefit from numerous research, service, and co-curricular opportunities designed to enhance academic and spiritual growth.