WLC Sets Enrollment Record

MILWAUKEE, WI - For the 2023-2024 academic year, Wisconsin Lutheran College (WLC) has enrolled a record-setting 1,002 traditional undergraduate students.
“Our students are yearning for an exceptional academic experience within a caring, Christian learning community,” said Dr. Daniel W. Johnson, President of WLC. “We are blessed with remarkable faculty and staff who faithfully serve our record number of students so well.”
Strong undergraduate enrollment has led to a record number of students living on campus: 693. One hundred percent of full-time undergrads were awarded financial aid. This fall, students arrived on campus from 31 states and four foreign countries.
Nearly 40% of first-year Warriors are first-generation college students, and nearly 26% are students of color. The average unweighted high school GPA for the class of 2026 was 3.48. More than 68% of freshmen are from Wisconsin.
“It’s amazing to hear the excitement that families have as they plan to join the WLC family,” said Vice President of Enrollment Lucas Faust. “I love seeing the potential in each of these students as they begin their college careers, and then to see that potential realized as they achieve great things through their time here at WLC.”
About Wisconsin Lutheran College
Wisconsin Lutheran College is an independent, residential, nationally ranked Christian college in Milwaukee that serves undergraduate and graduate students through its on-campus and online programming. The college, which prepares students for lives of Christian leadership, is recognized for its academic excellence and superior student experience.