WLC Sets Enrollment Records

MILWAUKEE, WI - Wisconsin Lutheran College (WLC) announces a record-breaking fall term. For the 2022-2023 academic year, WLC enrolled 309 first-year students, the college’s highest-ever freshman enrollment, which has resulted in a record number of students living on campus.
The college also set a record for undergraduate enrollment, with a total of 982 students. Seventy percent of WLC's undergrads live on campus, and 99.7% were awarded financial aid. They have come to campus from 32 states and four foreign countries.
More than 37% of first-year Warriors are first-generation college students, and nearly 27% are students of color. The average unweighted high school GPA for the class of 2026 was 3.52. Two-thirds of freshmen are from Wisconsin.
About Wisconsin Lutheran College
Wisconsin Lutheran College is an independent, residential, nationally ranked Christian college in Milwaukee that serves undergraduate and graduate students through its on-campus and online programming. The college, which prepares students for lives of Christian leadership, is recognized for its academic excellence and superior student experience. Caring, Christian faculty work directly with students, who benefit from numerous research, service, and co-curricular opportunities designed to enhance academic and spiritual growth.